Case Study

Happy Viking

Happy Viking

Onsite Testing Program

+24% increase in cvr

+17% increase in revenue

96% confidence



With hero videos becoming more popular, it can be a huge value-add, or a huge distractor. The experience also matters if you're on a mobile device with limited data versus a large-format desktop connected to wifi.

The Hypothesis

A strong still image will perform better than a video due to the hyperfocused visual, rather than overloading a user with too many visuals and too much info so quickly.


We worked with Happy Viking's brand team to select strong still imagery that looked great on deskop and mobile.

The Rusults

Purchase rate: increased 23%
Revenue per user: increased 19%

Key Takeaway

Across devices, the still imagery outperformed the video. Sometimes is less is more, and the data proved it: a strong still image can sometimes tell a cleaner story than a busy video.